The Best Way to Remove a Water Heater from a platform is with the Hot Rod Hand Truck![]()
Plumbers know lowering a water heater from a platform can be problematic, especially if it’s in a drain pan. There are other things that can cause problems but drain pans are the most common because you to have to lift the water heater up and over the lip of the pan to put it on the ground without damaging it. When lifting a full or empty water heater, you also have to be careful not to hurt or strain your back. Before the Hot Rod Hand Truck & Strap Kit, there was no way to leverage the weight of the water heater without putting strain on your back and knees.
The Hot Rod Hand Truck Is More Than Just A Standard Dolly
The Hot Rod Hand Truck may look like a dolly and technically it is but it’s more than just a dolly. The HRHT was purpose built specifically for lifting, lowering and installing water heaters. All the experience from thousands of water heater installations went into designing the HRHT to be compact, light and versatile for what it does, which is a lot.
At first glance it looks slightly different compared to a standard dolly or hand truck. It looks different because the subtle bends and angle designs serve a specific purpose. That purpose is to put the power of leverage into the your hands to let the weight of the water heater do the heavy work for you. With practice, Hot Rod Hand Truck owners learn to do things with water heaters they might never have thought possible.
The Hot Rod Hand Truck is Worth Every Penny
The Hot Rod Hand Truck is worth every penny. If you haven’t already, be sure to take a moment to see why the Hot Rod Hand Truck is the best tool for handling water heaters. Visit our Best Way to Lift A Water Heater Video page for tons of demo and instructional videos of the Hot Rod Hand Truck & Strap Kit in action. Be prepared to watch as everyday plumbers and water heater installers safely and easily lift, lower and install water heaters without any help. In nearly every example we offer, you will see the plumber’s hand is the only thing actually touching the water heater during use aside from the Hot Rod Hand Truck and its Strap Kit that keep the tank cradled and secured to the dolly the entire time.